During those cold winter days indoors, what do you have to keep you warm? A fireplace? Cocoa? Hugs from a puppy? Well, this client's heart is best warmed by his memories of Cuba. (read below)
When we first met to discuss how to fill the empty space above his sofa, Dean expressed his love of the beach. With some thought and ongoing input about his color tastes and design preferences, we came out with this abstract piece! The reclaimed wood that shows through the paint really lends the kind of rustic "driftwood" feel we were going for.
Navigate the gallery below to get an idea of how this 35-lb feat was accomplished in my small apartment studio! (the captions help)
Dean's black-as-night kitten "Vinyl" (he's a DJ ...the man, not the cat) was thoroughly inspecting this new addition to the home...
Was sooo glad to make his vision become reality! (see his comments in image below)
To purchase a printed version of this piece, or to commission a similar creation, email me!